
HEAL is a free 21-day online program to help women heal from sexual abuse. It is focused on physical, mental and spiritual healing. The material will be available in French, English and Spanish and it will be free to anyone with internet access.

This program is run and created by Elsa Sunita Rossetto, a French Yoga instructor and shaman, with collabs from many specialists in neuroscience, psychology, aromatherapy and many more areas.

One in three women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner violence in their lifetime. One in three rape victims experienced it for the first time between 11-17 years old. One in eight female rape victims reported that it occurred before age 10.

After suffering sexual violence women are often too devastated to reach out for help. Trough our program, help will come their way.

This FREE ONLINE PROGRAM will be developed following the most recent research in neuroscience and epigenetics.

The program will introduce women to a variety of trauma-informed approaches to promote resilience. Each day will include practical and adaptable tools through a new video, an audio podcast and practical tasks.

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Donation Total: €10,00 One Time